Author Archives: Tarah O'Brien

Live Simply Award

We are working towards our Live simply Award.

What is Live Simply Award?

Inspired by Pope Francis’s message? Want to put your faith into action?

The Live Simply award is an opportunity for Catholic communities – parishes, schools, religious orders and chaplaincies – to answer the call for us to care for our common home and stand in solidarity with our sisters and brothers around the world.

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RSHE is part of the mission of Catholic Schools to educate the whole person. It should be carried out as part of the holistic education which seeks to form as well as inform young people in preparation for adult life. (Catholic Education Service).

In the academic year 2020/21, Relationships Education and Health Education became statutory in all primary schools in England.  At St Vincent’s  we follow the scheme ‘Life to the Full’ by Ten Ten Resources. Ten Ten is an award-winning Catholic educational organisation that is well-respected and very experienced in this field of work.

The Life to the Full programme is based on a model curriculum that was highlighted as a work of good practice by the Department of Education.  We therefore have confidence that the programme will be fit for purpose in supporting the growth and development of your child.

Relationships, Sex and Health Education is based on the Catholic Framework and revolves around the sanctity of love and marriage. As children move through the school their relationship and health education is geared to their stage of development, allowing the children to develop a growing awareness of themselves, their place in society and their relationships with others.



• To encourage pupils’ growth in self-respect, acknowledging we are all created in the image and likeness of God

• To help pupils develop an understanding that love is the central basis of relationships

• To help pupils to understand the nature of relationships and to encourage them to reflect on their own relationships and respect differences between people.

• To develop pupils’ confidence in talking, listening and thinking about feelings and relationships.

• To help pupils acquire the skills necessary to develop and sustain relationships

• To ensure that pupils protect themselves and ask for help and support when needed.

• To ensure that pupils are prepared for puberty.

• To help pupils to develop a healthy lifestyle.

• To prepare pupils to play an active role as citizens and to understand the Catholic vision of what it means to be citizens of the Kingdom/reign of God

Taught with a spiral approach to learning, the programme includes teaching about personal health, physical and emotional well-being, strong emotions, private parts of the body, personal relationships, family structures, trusted adults, growing bodies, puberty, periods, life cycles, the dangers of social media, where babies come from, an understanding of the Common Good and living in the wider world.

The entire teaching is underpinned with a Christian faith understanding that our deepest identity is as a child of God – created, chosen and loved by God. The programme is fully inclusive of all pupils and their families.

Parent Portal

If you wish to access the TenTen units of work and videos for specific year groups please access via Parent Portal

Please access the Parent Portal at:

Username: st-vincent-b7

Password: charitable-works

Parent Consultation Tool:


School Uniform

We expect all children to attend school clean, tidy and well presented in the correct uniform. All items should be clearly named. All children should have:

  • Grey school trousers or grey skirt or grey pinafore dress
  • White shirt
  • Green jumper or cardigan or school sweatshirt
  • Plain white, grey or black socks or tights
  • Black school shoes or plain black trainers
  • Book bag (provided by school on entry)
  • School prayer book (provided in Year 3)
  • Pupil planner

Please note:

  • Boots and high heels are not appropriate for school and should not be worn
  • Children must not bring rucksacks to school
  • Extreme hair styles including any shaved patterns and dyed hair are not allowed
  • The only jewellery allowed is a watch and one pair of plain

studs which must be removed for PE.

PE Kit

  • Black PE shorts
  • Green T-shirt
  • Pumps
  • Swimming kit and towel
  • PE bag (drawstring only)

Sweatshirts and PE kits are available to buy
