Category Archives: British Values

Year 5 Class Assembly

Thank you to Year 5 for a very thought-provoking assembly today. They gave us a powerful performance about life in Britain during World War II and how the lessons learned can be used in their own lives. They were inspiring and brought tears to many eyes. Thank you to all the parents who came along to support them.

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Multi Faith Week

Pop in and have a look at the displays of children’s work about world faiths.

Year 2  went to visit a Sikh Gudwara.
Year 5 visited a Buddhist Vihara
Year 3 went to Central Mosque
Year 4 went to Central Synagogue
Year 6 will be going to visit St Chad’s Cathedral later in the year
Year 1 will be going to the Shri Venkateswara Hindu Temple next week


Today each class chose a Spanish-speaking country to study. We sang songs, studied geography and language; tasted Spanish food and looked at artists, clothes, music and dance. Thank you to Ms Fernandez for helping us.


Advent Collection for SIFA Fireside

Our Advent collection for SIFA Fireside to help the homeless and desperate in Birmingham. We send them our prayers also.

David and Goliath

Thank you year 4 for a beautiful assembly this morning teaching us all about how David persevered to overcome Goliath and how the inventor, Thomas Edison, struggled to overcome his difficulty with reading. They are great examples of what we can achieve when we don’t give up.

Black History Week

What an amazing week!

Have a look at the class blogs for more photos and information.

Year 1

Sang a hymn about Moses which reminded them of Harriet Tubman!

Year 2

Year 2 learned about Mary Seacole and made non-fiction books about her.

Year 3

Year 3 learnt about the Apartheid Era in South Africa

Year 4

Harriet Tubman, the Moses of her people

Year 5

Coming soon…….

Year 6

Mae Jemison, the first African American woman in space.


Multi-Faith Week 2017

The children have been learning all about other world faiths. They found lots of things are the same in all our faiths. They really enjoyed the visits to different places of worship.

St Patrick’s Day Parade

The annual St Patrick’s Day Parade was on Sunday 12th March.  The theme this year was  Dance!  We  had an artist in school working with the children to create African masks, costumes and shakers.  Thank you to all the parents who helped and to everyone who came along on the day.