Category Archives: Catholic Life

Action for Creation

Thank you to our pupil champlains who led our prayer  services for this day of action. We learned about recycling our waste fruit and paper.  At lunchtime we all shared a simple lunch of baked potato. We had a compettion to see which class could leave the least waste. The winners were Year 4 with zero waste, closely followed by Year 2 and Year 5.

The children wrote pledges for what they are going to do to help reduce waste and stop climate change.

First Holy Communion 2021

Congratualtions to all the children from the school and parish who received Jesus for the first time in Holy Communion today. God bless you all.


Congratulations to all the children who were confirmed at St Vincent’s on Thursday evening and thank you to Bishop David for his visit to school and a beautiful service.

May the Holy Spirit guide you all through your lives and fill you with his gifts.

First Reconciliation

Congratulations to the children who have received the Sacrament of Reconcilation this morning for the first time.

Holy Week and Easter

The children told the story of the events of Holy Week in their class assemblies. We adore you Oh Christ and we praise you, because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.

He Is Risen.  Alleluia!

Monday Prayer

Welcome back to school! It was wonderful to see you all arriving this morning. It probably feels a bit strange being here again and we know it will take a few days to get used to being in school again. You might be feeling a bit nervous. You might be wondering what it will be like.

But I hope you are excitied too. Excited to show everyone how you have grown and what you have learned while you were at home and excited to greet all your friends and hear their news.

This is a new time and we will be taking the next steps together;  learning and growing together. Let’s make sure  we look after each other and  treat everyone with kindness.

To start off our day, let’s join with Dan and Emily to continue our Lenten journey.

Monday Prayer

Today is the feast day of St David, the patron saint of Wales. Let’s say a special prayer for everyone who lives in Wales.
We begin the second week of Lent. I hope your Lenten promises are going well. Thank you to Tasmaih who sent in this picture of the Lenten Cross she made.

This week, shine your light so that everyone can see the good that you do.
Join with Dan and Emily in today’s prayer:


Monday Prayer

Last week on Ash Wednesday it was the beginning of Lent. Did you make a Lenten promise? It’s not too late to make one now.  Maybe you could promise to do something extra each day, or give up something you like but don’t really need.There are some ideas on the Lent Blog.

During Lent  this year, we will be joining with Dan and Emily from OneLife Music for our daily prayer.

Today we remember that we are the people of God. He chooses us and he calls us.