Category Archives: Events

Action for Creation

Thank you to our pupil champlains who led our prayer  services for this day of action. We learned about recycling our waste fruit and paper.  At lunchtime we all shared a simple lunch of baked potato. We had a compettion to see which class could leave the least waste. The winners were Year 4 with zero waste, closely followed by Year 2 and Year 5.

The children wrote pledges for what they are going to do to help reduce waste and stop climate change.

First Holy Communion 2021

Congratualtions to all the children from the school and parish who received Jesus for the first time in Holy Communion today. God bless you all.

Outdoor Adventure

All the classes have had an exciting time on their Outdoor Adventure Trips over the last 2 weeks.

Here are some of the highlights

Year 5 at Edgbaston Reservoir

Year 6 at Edgabaston Reservoir

Year 2 at Sandwell Valley

Year 3 at Sandwell Valley


Congratulations to all the children who were confirmed at St Vincent’s on Thursday evening and thank you to Bishop David for his visit to school and a beautiful service.

May the Holy Spirit guide you all through your lives and fill you with his gifts.

First Reconciliation

Congratulations to the children who have received the Sacrament of Reconcilation this morning for the first time.

St George’s Day

Happy St George’s Day to all of us!

Today, 23rd April, we celebrate the feast day of the patron saint of England. Many other countries also celebrate this day including Greece, Cyprus, Portugal and Croatia. St George was born in Turkey. He was martyred because he refused to deny his Christian faith. Now people turn to him for protection. Find out more here.

Thank you to cook Mrs Finnegan, for our delicious St George’s Day menu today.


Holy Week and Easter

The children told the story of the events of Holy Week in their class assemblies. We adore you Oh Christ and we praise you, because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.

He Is Risen.  Alleluia!