Category Archives: Respect

Caritas in Action

Year 3 and 4 read Charlotte’s Web in class. After reading all about life on a farm, they went to visit Ashend farm and then decided to raise money for a community which did not have enough to eat. They supported CAFOD World Gifts to buy some fish and some chickens. Here they are opening the cards from CAFOD.

The Story of Equiano Olaudah Told By Year 5

Thank you to our Year 5 class for a really powerful assembly  all about the life and achievements of Equiano Olaudah. Their presentation was stunning, leaving the whole hall appalled by the horrors of slavery but also with a strong sense of optimism about how each one of us can be a force for good in the world.

Here is the final song

Macmillan Coffee Morning

Well it started as a coffee morning and then continued after school! Well done Year 1 and 2 on a great event. They raised over £100 to help cancer sufferers. Thanks to everyone who donated and bought cakes.

Democracy in Action

It’s election time at St Vincent’s and each house is voting for their new House Captains and Pupil Parliament committees. Come back soon to see who they have voted in.

Caritas Citizenship Award

Year 6 children in all of the Caritas Schools have been  working towards their Citizenship Awards, showing the fruits of the Holy Spirit in their actions.Congratulations to our 4 top award winners who  really excelled in their kindness, patience and self-control.

Diversity Day

Today, it has been a real privilege to meet April Barrett MBE who came to talk to us about her work with the Dwarf Sports Association.

April and Hassan told us what like is like when you have dwarfism – all the things that can be tricky, but more importantly, all the things you can do really well if you try hard and don’t give up. In fact April became an Olympic Champion at Boccia and Hassan is an amazing football player.

Then we met Josh who told us what it is like for him having autism and ADHD. He had to overcome some real problems but it didn’t stop him becoming a champion archer.

Thank you so much to all our visitors for the day, from Birmingham Disability Sports; Aston Villa and some  students from Wilson Stewart and Bishop Walsh schools. And a huge thank you to Andy Steed from Birmingham City Council who planned the day for us. We had an amazing time trying out lots of inclusive sports from Boccia and Archery to inclusive football and tennis ……and we even had a go at indoor fishing!



Refugee Week

The theme for Refugee Week is Simple Acts to help people know they are welcome and loved in their new homes and schools and communities. We are going to try and and do 20 simple acts during the week.

1. Share 20 second message of welcome

This was the message we tweeted this morning:

2.  Put up a ‘This School welcomes refugees’ poster.

We put these all around school. We found out that lots and lots of our families – children and staff – are refugees or have refugee ancestors. Everyone is welcome.

3. Consider becoming a School of Sanctuary

We are proud to have been awarded School of Sanctuary status and we will keep planning new ways to be a place of safety and welcome.

4. Share one of 20 refugee stories

We heard the story of Julianne and her mother from Zimbabwe. Julianne’s mother had to leave her because she was in danger . She lived in an orphanage where she didn’t have enough to eat and people were cruel to her. Finally she escaped and she and her mother came to England. Julianne was new and frightened and anxious but things are getting better and people are trying to help her. She is a fighter and a survivor.She says no matter how much she had  suffered she knew one day she would be accepted and she would be a shining star.

5. Share a walk

Year 3 shared a walking journey with Sister Eleanor from CAFOD .

6. Follow a refugee journey

Year 5 and 6 worked with Sister Eleanor to try and understand what it is like to have to leave your home. Here is their story:

  • We can only take 6 items with us!
  • We have now packed! We will take one final look at our home because the driver is in a hurry to take us to safety!
  • The load is too heavy to carry! We have to decide to take the heaviest item out.
  • 3 family members can no longer carry their bags. How do we decide what we will still manage?
  • Now we have to give our money to the fisherman so we can travel.
  • We have thankfully come to the end of our journey but we felt: anxious, degraded, depressed and traumatised.
  • Finally the children prayed thoughtfully for all refugees.

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7. A Poem in 20 Words

Year 3 wrote poems about being a refugee. They had to stick to 20 words – tricky!

8. Cake Sale

A group of children decided to organise their own cake sale to raise money for refugees.

9. Sing a song

Year 1 learned a song called ‘Home’ and thought about what it would be like to have to leave their home  behind.


Cultural Evening

A great evening celebrating the many different cultures of our parish and school. Delicious food  and great dancing!