The Worry Drop Shop

Here at St Vincent’s children’s safety is our priority.

It is important that your children feel listened to and know how to ask for help when they feel worried, scared, unwell or vulnerable. The Worry Drop Shop is here for children and families to come share their concerns.

If you’re feeling worried about something, come to The Worry Drop Shop we can help.

Parent Worry Drop Shop is available Wednesday from 3- 3:30 in the main playground.

If you are concerned about finances, housing, domestic violence, abuse, your child’s behaviour, come and talk to us. We can help !

Multi- Cultural Day

It felt like the whole world was represented at St Vincent’s today.

Thank to all the families who cooked such declicious food. We had three different coffee ceremonies from different parts of Africa. We loved seeing your presentations. The children learned some new dances and drumming patterns.  What an amazing day!!